Showing posts with label Salt and Spices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salt and Spices. Show all posts

Monday, August 24, 2015

Salt and Spices

Salt and Spices

Highly refined salt is recognized by our body as poison and so it accumulates water in and around the cells to protect them from this invading sub- stance. This process causes swelling, edema, and cellulite. Salt in its refined form is basically nutriti onally dead and it is also linked to a wide variety of diseases, such as high blood pressure, osteopo- rosis, kidney problems and edema. On the other hand natural salt is healthy in mod- erate quantities. Crystalline salt helps the regen- eration of cell membranes.  Some antioxidants 

are also enhanced in their effectiveness when this natural salt is present. 
I recommend you to try Himalayan salt or sea salt. They’re both good for your body. Avoid iodized salts from supermarkets. Buy only natural ones so you can get the most of their nutrients.
Remember: Moderation is the key!

The use of resh organic spices and herbs are a must in cooking! Not only they give amazing taste to your recipes but also are known for their pow- erful ability to heal the body, mind and spirit. They provide anti-inflammatory benefits, act as anti-oxidants, balance blood sugars, and improve circulation and cardiovascular health. Even more, these benefits are available to all without calo- ries. Ginger: decreases motion sickness and nausea; also relieves pain and swelling associated with arthritis. 

Cinnamon: lowers blood sugar, triglycerides, LDL, and cholesterol. Add some on your morning cere- als or in tea! Turmeric: contains curcumin, which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Curry powder contains turmeric, among other healthy spices. Garlic: destroys cancer cells and boosts your im- mune system. Paprika: contains capsaicin, whose anti-inflam- matory and antioxidant effects lower the risk of cancer

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  2. Healthy Eating Tips & Tricks-2
  3. Good Carbs / Bad Carbs