Showing posts with label Healthy Snack Ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy Snack Ideas. Show all posts

Monday, August 24, 2015

Healthy Snack Ideas

Healthy Snack Ideas

Nuts and seeds are concentrated sources of pro- tein, fats, B vitamins and minerals. Some of them contain omega 3 fatty acids and help reduce the risk of heart disease. Nuts can be difficult to digest and it is recom- mended to soak them overnight. Nuts are best consumed in limited amounts if weight loss is desired. Almonds are very high in minerals including cal- cium, magnesium, potassium and iron. Almonds are also thought to contain a compound that is 
anti-carcinogenic and for this purpose it is recom- mended that six almonds are consumed daily.

Brazil nuts are rich in selenium which has an im- portant function as an antioxidant.
Flaxseeds are the richest source of omega 3 fatty acids and thus help to improve immunity and re- duce high cholesterol. When consumed as flax- seed flour they prevent constipation. Flaxseeds also help to balance estrogen levels.

Hazelnuts act as a general tonic and strengthen the stomach.
Sesame seeds are very high in calcium. In the form of tahini (sesame seed paste) they provide the richest and most bioavailable source of cal- cium.

Sunflower seeds are high in protein, unsaturated fats and minerals. They are one of the rare plant sources of vitamin D.

Pumpkin seeds are known for their effects against intestinal parasites especially roundworm and 

For sweet snacks try dry and fresh fruits! As they are high in sugar it is best to be consumed during the day and not after 6 pm. 

Try dates, figs, prunes as they contain lots of vita- mins and minerals. They also help in consipation, intestinal disorders, intoxication. 

Don’t eat too much dry fruits as they contain lots of calories and may lead to weight gain. 1 date has 20 calories. 2-3 dry fruits per day added in your breakfast cereal are great!

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