Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How is melanoma skin cancer diagnosed?

How is melanoma skin cancer diagnosed? 

Most melanomas are brought to a doctor’s attention because of signs or symptoms a person is having.
If an abnormal area of skin raises the suspicion of skin cancer, your doctor will do exams and tests to find out if it is melanoma, non-melanoma skin cancer, or some other skin condition. If melanoma is found, other tests may be done to determine if it has spread to other areas of the body.
Medical history and physical exam

Usually the first step your doctor takes is to get your medical history. The doctor will probably ask when the change on the skin first appeared, if it has changed in size or appearance, and if it is causing any symptoms (pain, itching, bleeding, etc.). You may also be asked about possible risk factors for skin cancer, such as your history of tanning and sunburns, and if you or anyone in your family has had skin cancer.

During the physical exam, your doctor will note the size, shape, color, and texture of the area(s) in question, and whether they are bleeding, oozing, or crusting. The rest of your body may be checked for moles and other spots that could be related to skin cancer.
The doctor may also feel the lymph nodes (small, bean-sized collections of immune cells) under the skin in the neck, underarm, or groin near the abnormal area. When melanoma spreads, it often goes to nearby lymph nodes first, making them larger. Enlarged lymph nodes might suggest that melanoma could have spread there.

If your primary doctor suspects melanoma, you may be referred to a dermatologist, a doctor who specializes in skin diseases, who will look at the area more closely.

Along with a standard physical exam, many dermatologists use a technique called dermatoscopy (also known as dermoscopy, epiluminescence microscopy [ELM], or surface microscopy) to see spots on the skin more clearly. The doctor uses a dermatoscope, which is a special magnifying lens and light source held near the skin. Sometimes a thin layer of alcohol or oil is used with this instrument. The doctor may take a digital photo of the spot.

When used by an experienced dermatologist, this test can improve the accuracy of finding skin cancers early. It can also often help reassure you that a spot on the skin is probably benign (non-cancerous) and doesn’t need a biopsy.

Skin biopsy 

If the doctor thinks a spot might be a melanoma, a sample of skin will be removed from the suspicious area and sent to a lab to be looked at under a microscope. This is called a skin biopsy.
There are many ways to do a skin biopsy. The doctor will choose one based on the size of the affected area, where it is on your body, and other factors. Any biopsy is likely to leave at least a small scar. Different methods can result in different types of scars, so ask your doctor about scarring before the biopsy. No matter which type of biopsy is done, it should remove as much of the suspected area as possible so that an accurate diagnosis can be made.

Skin biopsies are done using a local anesthetic (numbing medicine), which is injected into the area with a very small needle. You will likely feel a small prick and a little stinging as the medicine is injected, but you should not feel any pain during the biopsy.

Shave (tangential) biopsy 

For this type of biopsy, the doctor shaves off the top layers of the skin with a small surgical blade. Usually just the epidermis and the outer part of the dermis are removed, although deeper layers can be taken as well if needed. Bleeding from the biopsy site is stopped by applying an ointment, a chemical that stops bleeding, or a small electrical current to cauterize the wound.

A shave biopsy is useful in diagnosing many types of skin diseases and in sampling moles when the risk of melanoma is very low. This type of biopsy is not generally recommended if a melanoma is strongly suspected unless the biopsy blade will go deep enough to get below the suspicious area. Otherwise, if it is a melanoma, the biopsy sample may not be thick enough to measure how deeply the cancer has invaded the skin.

Punch biopsy 

For a punch biopsy, the doctor uses a tool that looks like a tiny round cookie cutter to remove a deeper sample of skin. The doctor rotates the punch biopsy tool on the skin until it cuts through all the layers, including the dermis, epidermis, and the upper parts of the subcutis. The sample is removed and the edges of the biopsy site are often stitched together.

Incisional and excisional biopsies 

To examine a tumor that might have grown into deeper layers of the skin, the doctor may use an incisional or excisional biopsy. For these types of biopsies, a surgical knife is used to cut through the full thickness of skin. A wedge or sliver of skin is removed for examination, and the edges of the cut are usually stitched together.

An incisional biopsy removes only a portion of the tumor. An excisional biopsy removes the entire tumor, and is usually the preferred method of biopsy for suspected melanomas if it can be done. But it is not always possible, so other types of biopsies may be needed.

Biopsies of melanoma that may have spread 

Biopsies of areas other than the skin may be needed in some cases. For example, if melanoma has already been diagnosed on the skin, nearby lymph nodes may be biopsied to see if the cancer has spread to them.

Rarely, biopsies may be needed to figure out what type of cancer someone has. For example, some melanomas can spread so quickly that they reach the lymph nodes, lungs, brain, or other areas while the original skin melanoma is still very small. Sometimes these tumors are found with imaging tests (such as CT scans) or other exams even before the

melanoma on the skin is discovered. In other cases they may be found long after a skin melanoma has been removed, so it’s not clear if it’s the same cancer.

In still other cases, melanoma may be found somewhere in the body without ever finding a spot on the skin. This may be because some skin lesions go away on their own (without any treatment) after some of their cells have spread to other parts of the body. Melanoma can also start in internal organs, but this is very rare, and if melanoma has spread widely throughout the body, it may not be possible to tell exactly where it started.

When melanoma has spread to other organs, it can sometimes be confused with a cancer starting in that organ. For example, melanoma that has spread to the lung might be confused with a primary lung cancer (cancer that starts in the lung).
Special lab tests can be done on the biopsy samples that can tell whether it is a melanoma or some other kind of cancer. This is important because different types of cancer are treated differently.
Biopsies of suspicious areas inside the body often are more involved than those used to sample the skin.

Fine needle aspiration biopsy 

A fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy is not used on suspicious moles. But it may be used, for example, to biopsy large lymph nodes near a melanoma to find out if the melanoma has spread to them. For this type of biopsy, the doctor uses a syringe with a thin, hollow needle to remove very small pieces of a lymph node or tumor. The needle is smaller than the needle used for a blood test. A local anesthetic is sometimes used to numb the area first. This test rarely causes much discomfort and does not leave a scar.

If the lymph node is just under the skin, the doctor can often feel it well enough to guide the needle into it. For a suspicious lymph node deeper in the body or a tumor in an organ such as the lung or liver, an imaging test such as ultrasound or a CT scan is often used to help guide the needle into place.

FNA biopsies are not as invasive as some other types of biopsies, but they may not always collect enough of a sample to tell if a suspicious area is melanoma. In these cases, a more invasive type of biopsy may be needed.

Surgical (excisional) lymph node biopsy 

This procedure can be used to remove an enlarged lymph node through a small incision (cut) in the skin. A local anesthetic (numbing medicine) is generally used if the lymph node is near the surface of the body, but the person may need to be sedated or even asleep (using general anesthesia) if the lymph node is deeper in the body.

This type of biopsy is often done if a lymph node’s size suggests the melanoma has spread but an FNA biopsy of the node was not done or did not find any melanoma cells.
Sentinel lymph node biopsy

If melanoma has been diagnosed and has any concerning features (such as being at least a certain thickness), a sentinel lymph node biopsy is often done to see if it has spread to nearby lymph nodes, which in turn might affect treatment options. This test can be used to find the lymph nodes that are likely to be the first place the melanoma would go if it has spread. These lymph nodes are called sentinel nodes (they stand sentinel, or watch, over the tumor, so to speak).

To find the sentinel lymph node (or nodes), a nuclear medicine doctor injects a small amount of a radioactive substance into the area of the melanoma. After the substance has travelled to the lymph node areas near the tumor, a special camera is used to see if the radioactive substance collects in one or more sentinel lymph nodes. Once the radioactive area has been marked, the patient is taken to where the surgery will be done and a blue dye is injected in the same place as the radioactive substance. A small incision is then made where the nuclear medicine doctor has marked, and the lymph nodes are then checked to find which one(s) became radioactive and turned blue. These sentinel nodes are removed and looked at under a microscope.

If there are no melanoma cells in the sentinel nodes, no more lymph node surgery is needed because it is very unlikely the melanoma would have spread beyond this point. If melanoma cells are found in the sentinel node, the remaining lymph nodes in this area are removed and looked at as well. This is known as a lymph node dissection (see “Surgery for melanoma skin cancer”).
If a lymph node near a melanoma is abnormally large, a sentinel node biopsy probably won’t be needed. The enlarged node is simply biopsied.

Lab tests of biopsy samples 
Samples from any biopsies will be sent to a lab, where a doctor called a pathologist will look at them under a microscope for melanoma cells. Often, skin samples are sent to a dermatopathologist, a doctor who has special training in making diagnoses from skin samples.
If the doctor can’t tell for sure if melanoma cells are in the sample just by looking at it, special tests will be done on the cells to try to confirm the diagnosis. These tests have names such as immunohistochemistry (IHC), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH).

If the samples do contain melanoma, the pathologist will look at certain important features such as the tumor thickness and mitotic rate (the portion of cells that are actively dividing). These features help determine the stage of the melanoma (see the section “How is melanoma of the skin staged?”), which in turn affects treatment options and prognosis (outlook).

For people who have advanced melanoma, biopsy samples may be tested to see if the cells have mutations in certain genes, such as the BRAF gene. About half of melanomas
have BRAF mutations. Some newer drugs used to treat advanced melanomas are only likely to work if the cells have BRAF mutations (see “Targeted therapy for melanoma skin cancer”), so this test is important in helping to determine treatment options.

Imaging tests 

Imaging tests use x-rays, magnetic fields, or radioactive substances to create pictures of the inside of the body. They are used mainly to look for the possible spread of melanoma to lymph nodes or other organs in the body. They are not needed for people with very early-stage melanoma, which is very unlikely to have spread.

Imaging tests can also be done to help determine how well treatment is working or to look for possible signs of cancer coming back (recurring) after treatment.

Chest x-ray 

This test may be done to help determine whether melanoma has spread to the lungs.
Computed tomography (CT) scan
The CT scan uses x-rays to make detailed, cross-sectional images of your body. Unlike a regular x-ray, CT scans can show the detail in soft tissues (such as internal organs). This test can help tell if any lymph nodes are enlarged or if organs such as the lungs or liver have suspicious spots, which might be due to the spread of melanoma. It can also help show spread to the lungs better than a standard chest x-ray.

Instead of taking one picture, like a regular x-ray, a CT scanner takes many pictures as it rotates around you while you lie on a table. A computer then combines these pictures into detailed images of the part of your body that is being studied.

Before the scan, you may be asked to drink a contrast solution and/or get an intravenous (IV) injection of a contrast dye that helps better outline normal and abnormal areas in the body. You may need an IV line through which the contrast dye is injected. The injection can cause some flushing (a feeling of warmth, especially in the face). Some people are allergic and get hives or, rarely, more serious reactions like trouble breathing and low blood pressure. Be sure to tell the doctor if you have any allergies (especially to iodine or shellfish) or have ever had a reaction to any contrast material used for x-rays.

A CT scanner has been described as a large donut, with a narrow table that slides in and out of the middle opening. You need to lie still on the table while the scan is being done. CT scans take longer than regular x-rays, and you might feel a bit confined by the ring while the pictures are being taken.
CT-guided needle biopsy: CT scans can also be used to help guide a biopsy needle into a suspicious area within the body. For this procedure, you stay on the CT scanning table while the doctor moves a biopsy needle through the skin and toward the suspicious area. CT scans are repeated until the needle is in the mass. A needle biopsy sample is then removed and looked at under a microscope.


Can melanoma skin cancer be found early?

Can melanoma skin cancer be found early? 

Melanoma can often be found early. Everyone can play an important role in finding skin cancer early, when it is most likely to be cured.  

Skin self-exam 

It’s important to check your own skin, preferably once a month. You should know the pattern of moles, blemishes, freckles, and other marks on your skin so that you’ll notice any new moles or changes in existing moles. 
Self-exam is best done in a well-lit room in front of a full-length mirror. Use a hand-held mirror to help look at areas that are hard to see, such as the backs of your thighs. Examine all areas, including your palms and soles, scalp, ears, nails, and your back (in men, about 1 of every 3 melanomas occurs on the back). Friends and family members can also help you with these exams, especially for those hard-to-see areas, such as your scalp and back. 

For a more thorough description of how to do a skin self-exam, see Skin Cancer Prevention and Early Detection and Why You Should Know About Melanoma, or visit our Skin Self-exam Image Gallery.  
See the section “Signs and symptoms of melanoma skin cancer” to know what to look for when examining your skin. 

Be sure to show your doctor any areas that concern you, and ask your doctor to look at areas that may be hard for you to see. 

Exam by a health care professional 

As part of a routine cancer-related checkup, your doctor or other health care professional should check your skin carefully. He or she should be willing to discuss any concerns you might have about this exam. 

If your primary doctor finds any unusual moles or other suspicious areas, he or she may refer you to a dermatologist, a doctor who specializes in skin problems. Dermatologists can also do regular skin exams. Many dermatologists use a technique called dermatoscopy (also known as dermoscopy, epiluminescence microscopy [ELM], or surface microscopy) to look at spots on the skin more clearly. A digital or photographic image of the spot may be taken. (See the section “How is melanoma skin cancer diagnosed?” for more information.) 

Regular skin exams are especially important for people who are at higher risk of melanoma, such as people with dysplastic nevus syndrome, people with a strong family history of melanoma, and people who have had melanoma before. If you have many moles, your doctor might advise taking full-body photos so your moles can be tracked over time and new ones can be seen more readily. (This is sometimes called total body photography or mole mapping.) Talk to your doctor about how often you should have your skin examined.   

Signs and symptoms of melanoma skin cancer 

Unusual moles, sores, lumps, blemishes, markings, or changes in the way an area of the skin looks or feels may be a sign of melanoma or another type of skin cancer, or a warning that it might occur.  
Normal moles 

A normal mole is usually an evenly colored brown, tan, or black spot on the skin. It can be either flat or raised. It can be round or oval. Moles are generally less than 6 millimeters (about ¼ inch) across (about the width of a pencil eraser). Some moles can be present at birth, but most appear during childhood or young adulthood. New moles that appear later in life should be checked by a doctor. 
Once a mole has developed, it will usually stay the same size, shape, and color for many years. Some moles may eventually fade away. 

Most people have moles, and almost all moles are harmless. But it is important to recognize changes in a mole – such as in its size, shape, or color – that can suggest a melanoma may be developing. 
Possible signs and symptoms of melanoma 

The most important warning sign for melanoma is a new spot on the skin or a spot that is changing in size, shape, or color. Another important sign is a spot that looks different from all of the other spots on your skin (known as the ugly duckling sign). If you have any of these warning signs, have your skin checked by a doctor. 

The ABCDE rule is another guide to the usual signs of melanoma. Be on the lookout and tell your doctor about spots that have any of the following features: 

• A is for Asymmetry: One half of a mole or birthmark does not match the other. 

• B is for Border: The edges are irregular, ragged, notched, or blurred. 

• C is for Color: The color is not the same all over and may include shades of brown or black, or sometimes with patches of pink, red, white, or blue. 

• D is for Diameter: The spot is larger than 6 millimeters across (about ¼ inch – the size of a pencil eraser), although melanomas can sometimes be smaller than this.  

• E is for Evolving: The mole is changing in size, shape, or color. 
Some melanomas do not fit the rules described above. It is important to tell your doctor about any changes or new spots on the skin, or growths that look different from the rest of your moles. 
Other warning signs are: 

• A sore that does not heal 

• Spread of pigment from the border of a spot into surrounding skin 

• Redness or a new swelling beyond the border 

• Change in sensation – itchiness, tenderness, or pain 

• Change in the surface of a mole – scaliness, oozing, bleeding, or the appearance of a bump or nodule 

Be sure to show your doctor any areas that concern you and ask your doctor to look at areas that may be hard for you to see. It is sometimes hard to tell the difference between melanoma and an ordinary mole, even for doctors, so it’s important to show your doctor any mole that you are unsure of. 
To see examples of normal moles and melanomas, visit our Skin Cancer Image Gallery.

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what causes melanoma skin cancer?

Do we know what causes melanoma skin cancer? 

Although researchers have found some things that can raise a person’s risk of melanoma (see “What are the risk factors for melanoma skin cancer?”), it’s not yet clear exactly how these factors cause melanoma.  

For example, while most moles never turn into a melanoma, some do. Researchers have found some gene changes inside mole cells that may cause them to become melanoma cells. But it is still not known exactly why some moles become cancerous or why having many moles or atypical (dysplastic) moles increases your risk of developing melanoma. 

Researchers have learned a great deal in recent years about how certain changes in DNA can make normal cells become cancerous. DNA is the chemical in each of our cells that makes up our genes – the instructions for how our cells function. We usually look like our parents because they are the source of our DNA. But DNA affects more than just how we look.  

Some genes control when our cells grow, divide into new cells, and die. Certain genes that help cells grow, divide, and stay alive are called oncogenes. Genes that keep cell growth in check or cause cells to die at the right time are called tumor suppressor genes. Cancers can be caused by DNA changes that turn on oncogenes or turn off tumor suppressor genes. Changes in several different genes are usually needed for a cell to become cancerous. 
Ultraviolet (UV) rays are clearly a major cause of many melanomas. UV rays can damage the DNA in skin cells. Sometimes this damage affects certain genes that control how skin cells grow and divide. If these genes no longer work properly, the affected cells may form a cancer.  

Most UV rays come from sunlight, but some can come from man-made sources such as tanning beds. Usually it’s not clear exactly when UV exposure causes DNA damage that might eventually lead to cancer. Some of the damage may take place in the few years before the start of the cancer. But much of it may be from exposures that happened many years earlier. Children and young adults often get a lot of intense sun exposure that might not result in cancer until many years or even decades later. 

Most of the gene changes commonly seen in melanoma cells are not inherited. They are more likely the result of damage caused by sunlight. In some people, such as those with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), the skin cells are not as able to repair damaged DNA. These people are more likely to develop melanoma

Some melanomas occur in parts of the body that are rarely exposed to sunlight. These melanomas often have different gene changes than those in melanomas that develop in sun-exposed areas.  
When melanomas run in families, gene mutations that greatly increase the risk of melanoma are often passed from one generation to the next. Familial (inherited) 

melanomas most often have changes in tumor suppressor genes such as CDKN2A (also known as p16) and CDK4 that prevent them from doing their normal job of controlling cell growth. Scientists reason that this could eventually lead to cancer. 

Many other gene changes have been found in melanoma cells as well. Some of these have proven to be good targets for drugs to help treat this disease. For example, about half of all melanomas have a change (mutation) in the BRAF oncogene that helps drive their growth. This change is not inherited. It seems to occur during the development of the melanoma. Several drugs that specifically target cells with this gene change are now used to treat these melanomas (see the section “Targeted therapy for melanoma skin cancer”).  

Can melanoma skin cancer be prevented? 

Not all melanomas can be prevented, but there are things you can do that could reduce your risk of getting melanoma and other skin cancers. 

Limit your exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays 

The most important way to lower your risk of melanoma is to protect yourself from exposure to UV rays. Practice sun safety when you are outdoors.  

Seek shade 

Simply staying in the shade is one of the best ways to limit your UV exposure.  
“Slip! Slop! Slap!®… and Wrap” 

If you are going to be in the sun, this catchphrase can help you remember some of the key steps you can take to protect yourself from UV rays: 

Slip on a shirt. 
• Slop on sunscreen. 
• Slap on a hat. 

• Wrap on sunglasses to protect the eyes and sensitive skin around them. 
Avoid tanning beds and sunlamps 

Many people believe the UV rays of tanning beds are harmless. This is not true. Tanning lamps give out UV rays, which can cause long-term skin damage and can contribute to skin cancer. Tanning bed use has been linked with an increased risk of melanoma, especially if it is started before a person is 30. Most dermatologists (skin doctors) and health organizations recommend not using tanning beds and sun lamps. 

Protect children from the sun 

Children need special attention, since they tend to spend more time outdoors and can burn more easily. Parents and other caregivers should protect children from excess sun exposure by using the steps above. Children need to be taught about the dangers of too much sun exposure as they become more independent. 

To learn more about sun safety 

For more information on how to protect yourself and your family from UV exposure, see our document Skin Cancer: Prevention and Early Detection. 

Watch for abnormal moles 

Checking your skin regularly may help you spot any new or abnormal moles or other growths and show them to your doctor before they even have a chance to turn into skin cancer.  
Certain types of moles are more likely to develop into melanoma (see the section “What are the risk factors for melanoma skin cancer?”). If you have moles, depending on how they look, your doctor may want to watch them closely with regular exams or may remove some of them if they have certain features that suggest they might change into a melanoma.  

Routine removal of many moles is not usually recommended as a way to prevent melanoma. Some melanomas may develop from moles, but most do not. If you have many moles, getting careful, routine exams by a dermatologist, along with doing monthly skin self-exams, might be recommended.  

If you find a new, unusual, or changing mole, you should have it checked by a doctor experienced in recognizing skin cancers. See the section “Signs and symptoms of melanoma skin cancer” for descriptions of what to look for. 

Genetic counseling and testing for people at high risk 

Gene mutations (changes) that increase melanoma risk can be passed down through families, but they account for only a small portion of melanomas. You might have inherited a gene mutation that increases your risk of melanoma if any of the following apply:  

• Several members of one side of your family have had melanoma 
• A family member has had more than one melanoma  
• A family member has had both melanoma and pancreatic cancer 
• You have had more than one melanoma 

Some families with high rates of melanoma have mutations in genes such as CDKN2A (also known as p16). Tests for these gene changes are now available, although they are not widely recommended by doctors at this time. People interested in learning whether they carry gene changes linked to melanoma may want to think about taking part in genetic research that will advance progress in this field.  

It is very important to meet with a genetic counselor before deciding if you should have testing. The counselor can describe the tests to you and explain what the results may or may not tell you about your risk. Genetic testing is not perfect, and in some cases the tests may not provide solid answers. To learn more about genetic testing in general, see Genetic Testing: What You Need to Know. 
At this time, because it’s not clear how useful the test results might be, most melanoma experts don’t recommend genetic testing for people with a personal or family history of melanoma. Still, some people may choose to get tested. In any event, people with a family history of melanoma should ask their doctor about getting regular skin exams, learning to do skin self-exams, and being particularly careful about sun safety. 


What are the risk factors for melanoma skin cancer?

What are the risk factors for melanoma skin cancer? 

A risk factor is anything that affects your chance of getting a disease such as cancer. Different cancers have different risk factors. Some risk factors, like smoking and excess sun exposure, can be changed. Others, like a person’s age or family history, can’t be changed.

But having a risk factor, or even many risk factors, does not mean that you will get the disease. And some people who get the disease may have few or no known risk factors.
Several risk factors can make a person more likely to develop melanoma.

Ultraviolet (UV) light exposure  

Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays is a major risk factor for most melanomas. Sunlight is the main source of UV rays. Tanning beds and sun lamps are also sources of UV rays.
While UV rays make up only a very small portion of the sun’s rays, they are the main cause of the damaging effects of the sun on the skin. UV rays damage the DNA of skin cells. Skin cancers begin when this damage affects the DNA of genes that control skin cell growth.  

The nature of the UV exposure may play a role in melanoma development. For example, the development of melanoma on the trunk (chest and back) and legs has been linked to frequent sunburns (especially in childhood). This might also have something to do with the fact that these areas are not constantly exposed to UV light. Some experts think that melanomas that start in these areas are different from those on the face, neck, and arms, where the sun exposure is more constant. And different from either of these are melanomas that develop on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, under the nails, or on internal surfaces such as the mouth and vagina, where there has been little or no sun exposure.

To learn more about the effects of UV rays on the skin and what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones, see Skin Cancer Prevention and Early Detection.


A mole (also known as a nevus) is a benign (non-cancerous) pigmented tumor. Babies are not usually born with moles; they often begin to appear in children and young adults. Most moles will never cause any problems, but a person who has many moles is more likely to develop melanoma.
Atypical moles (dysplastic nevi): These moles look a little like normal moles but also have some features of melanoma. They are often larger than other moles and have an abnormal shape or color. (See the section “Signs and symptoms of melanoma skin cancer” for descriptions of how moles and melanomas look.) They can appear on skin that is exposed to the sun as well as skin that is usually covered, such as on the buttocks or scalp.

Dysplastic nevi often run in families. A small number of dysplastic nevi may develop into melanomas. But most dysplastic nevi never become cancer, and many melanomas seem to arise without a pre-existing dysplastic nevus.

Dysplastic nevus syndrome (also known as familial atypical multiple mole melanoma syndrome, or FAMMM): People with this inherited condition have many dysplastic nevi and at least one close relative who has had melanoma.

People with this condition have a very high lifetime risk of developing melanoma, so they need to have very thorough, regular skin exams by a dermatologist (a doctor who
specializes in skin problems). In some cases, full body photos are taken to help the doctor recognize if moles are changing and growing. Many doctors recommend that these patients be taught to do monthly skin self-exams as well.

Congenital melanocytic nevi: Moles present at birth are called congenital melanocytic nevi. The lifetime risk of melanoma developing in congenital melanocytic nevi is estimated to be between 0 and 10%, depending on the size of the nevus. People with very large congenital nevi have a greater risk, while the risk is less for those with small nevi. For example, the risk for melanoma in congenital nevi smaller than the palm of your hand is very low, while those that cover large portions of back and buttocks (“bathing trunk nevi”) have significantly higher risks.

Congenital nevi are sometimes removed by surgery so that they don’t have a chance to become cancer. Whether doctors advise removing a congenital nevus depends on several factors including its size, location, and color. Many doctors recommend that congenital nevi that are not removed should be examined regularly by a dermatologist and that the patient should be taught how to do monthly skin self-exams.

Again, the chance of any single mole turning into cancer is very low. However, anyone with lots of irregular or large moles has an increased risk for melanoma.

Fair skin, freckling, and light hair  

The risk of melanoma is much higher for whites than for African Americans. Whites with red or blond hair, blue or green eyes, or fair skin that freckles or burns easily are at increased risk.
Family history of melanoma

Your risk of melanoma is greater if one or more first-degree relatives (parent, brother, sister, or child) has had melanoma. Around 10% of all people with melanoma have a family history of the disease.
The increased risk might be because of a shared family lifestyle of frequent sun exposure, a family tendency to have fair skin, certain gene changes (mutations) that run in a family, or a combination of factors.

Most experts do not recommend that people with a family history of melanoma have genetic testing to look for mutations, as it’s not yet clear how helpful this is. Rather, experts advise that they do the following:

• Have regular skin exams by a dermatologist
• Thoroughly examine their own skin once a month
• Be particularly careful about sun protection and avoiding artificial UV rays (such as those from tanning booths)

(For more information on genetic testing, see “Can melanoma skin cancer be prevented?”)
Personal history of melanoma or other skin cancers

A person who has already had melanoma has a higher risk of getting melanoma again. About 5% of people with melanoma will develop a second one at some point. People who have had basal or squamous cell skin cancers are also at increased risk of getting melanoma.
Weakened immune system

A person’s immune system helps fight cancers of the skin and other organs. People with weakened immune systems (from certain diseases or medical treatments) are more likely to develop many types of skin cancer, including melanoma.

For example, people who get organ transplants are usually given medicines that weaken their immune system to help prevent them from rejecting the new organ. This increases their risk of developing melanoma.

People infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, often have weakened immune systems and are also at increased risk for melanoma.

Older age  

Melanoma is more likely to occur in older people, but it is also found in younger people. In fact, melanoma is one of the most common cancers in people younger than 30 (especially younger women). Melanoma that runs in families may occur at a younger age.

Male gender 

In the United States, men have a higher rate of melanoma than women, although this varies by age. Before age 45, the risk is higher for women; after age 45 the risk is higher in men.
Xeroderma pigmentosum

Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a rare, inherited condition that affects skin cells’ ability to repair damage to their DNA. People with XP have a high risk of developing melanoma and other skin cancers when they are young, especially on sun-exposed areas of their skin.

What are the key statistics about melanoma skin cancer?

What are the key statistics about melanoma skin cancer?  

Cancer of the skin is by far the most common of all cancers. Melanoma accounts for less than 2% of skin cancer cases but causes a large majority of skin cancer deaths.

Here are the American Cancer Society’s estimates for melanoma in the United States for 2015:

• About 73,870 new melanomas will be diagnosed (about 42,670 in men and 31,200 in women).

• About 9,940 people are expected to die of melanoma (about 6,640 men and 3,300 women).

The rates of melanoma have been rising for at least 30 years.

Melanoma is more than 20 times more common in whites than in African Americans. Overall, the lifetime risk of getting melanoma is about 2.4% (1 in 40) for whites, 0.1% (1 in 1,000) for blacks, and 0.5% (1 in 200) for Hispanics. The risk for each person can be affected by a number of different factors, which are described in the section “What are the risk factors for melanoma skin cancer?”
The risk of melanoma increases as people age. The average age at the time it is found is 62. But melanoma is not uncommon even among those younger than 30. In fact, it is one of the most common cancers in young adults (especially young women).

For melanoma survival statistics, see the section “What are the survival rates for melanoma skin cancer by stage?”

Melanoma skin cancers

Melanoma skin cancers 

Melanoma is a cancer that begins in the melanocytes. Other names for this cancer include malignant melanoma and cutaneous melanoma. Most melanoma cells still make melanin, so melanoma tumors are usually brown or black. But some melanomas do not make melanin and can appear pink, tan, or even white.

Melanomas can develop anywhere on the skin, but they are more likely to start on the trunk (chest and back) in men and on the legs in women. The neck and face are other common sites.
Having darkly pigmented skin lowers your risk of melanoma at these more common sites, but anyone can develop this cancer on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and under the nails. Melanomas in these areas account for more than half of all melanomas in African Americans but fewer than 1 in 10 melanomas in whites.

Melanomas can also form in other parts of your body such as the eyes, mouth, genitals, and anal area, but these are much less common than melanoma of the skin.
Melanoma is much less common than basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers, but it is far more dangerous. Like basal cell and squamous cell cancers, melanoma is almost always curable in its early stages. But it is much more likely than basal or squamous cell cancer to spread to other parts of the body if not caught early.

Other skin cancers 

Skin cancers that are not melanomas are sometimes grouped as non-melanoma skin cancers because they develop from skin cells other than melanocytes. They tend to behave very differently from melanomas and are often treated with different methods.

Basal and squamous cell skin cancers 

Most non-melanoma skin cancers are basal cell or squamous cell cancers. They are by far the most common skin cancers, and actually are more common than any other form of cancer. Because they rarely spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body, basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers are usually less concerning and are treated differently from melanoma. These cancers are discussed in Skin Cancer: Basal and Squamous Cell.

Less common skin cancers 

Other types of non-melanoma skin cancer are much less common than basal and squamous cell cancers and are treated differently. They include:

• Merkel cell carcinoma
• Kaposi sarcoma
• Cutaneous (skin) lymphoma

• Skin adnexal tumors (tumors that start in hair follicles or skin glands)
• Various types of sarcomas

Together, these types account for less than 1% of all skin cancers.

What is melanoma skin cancer?

What is melanoma skin cancer?

Melanoma is a cancer that starts in a certain type of skin cell. To understand melanoma, it helps to know about the normal structure and function of the skin.
Normal skin

The skin is the largest organ in your body. It does many different things, such as:

• Covering the internal organs and helping protect them from injury
• Serving as a barrier to germs such as bacteria
• Preventing the loss of too much water and other fluids
• Helping control body temperature
• Protecting the rest of the body from ultraviolet (UV) rays
• Helping the body make vitamin D
The skin has 3 layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutis (see picture).


This top layer of skin is very thin, averaging only about 1/100 of an inch thick. It protects the deeper layers of skin and the organs of the body from the environment. 

The main types of cells in the epidermis include: 

• Squamous cells: These are flat cells in the outer part of the epidermis that are constantly shed as new ones form.  

• Basal cells: These cells are in the lower part of the epidermis, called the basal cell layer. These cells constantly divide to form new cells to replace the squamous cells that wear off the skin’s surface. As these cells move up in the epidermis, they get flatter, eventually becoming squamous cells.  

• Melanocytes: These are the cells that can become melanoma. They make a brown pigment called melanin, which gives the skin its tan or brown color. Melanin protects the deeper layers of the skin from some of the harmful effects of the sun. For most people, when skin is exposed to the sun, melanocytes make more of the pigment, causing the skin to tan or darken.   

The epidermis is separated from the deeper layers of skin by the basement membrane. When a skin cancer becomes more advanced, it generally grows through this barrier and into the deeper layers. 


This middle layer of the skin is much thicker than the epidermis. It contains hair follicles, sweat glands, blood vessels, and nerves that are held in place by a protein called collagen, which gives the skin its elasticity and strength. 


The deepest layer of the skin (the subcutis) and the lowest part of the dermis form a network of collagen and fat cells. The subcutis helps the body conserve heat and has a shock-absorbing effect that helps protect the body’s organs from injury. 
Benign skin tumors 

Many types of benign (non-cancerous) tumors can develop from different types of skin cells.

Benign tumors that start in melanocytes  

A mole (nevus) is a benign skin tumor that develops from melanocytes. Almost everyone has some moles. Nearly all moles (nevi) are harmless, but having some types can raise your risk of melanoma. See the section “What are the risk factors for melanoma skin cancer?” for more information about moles. 

A Spitz nevus is a kind of mole that sometimes looks like melanoma. It is more common in children and teens, but it can also be seen in adults. These tumors are generally benign and don’t spread. But sometimes doctors have trouble telling Spitz nevi from true melanomas, even when looking at them under a microscope. Therefore, they are often removed, just to be safe. 

Benign tumors that develop from other types of skin cells   

• Seborrheic keratoses: Tan, brown, or black raised spots with a “waxy” texture 
• Hemangiomas: Benign blood vessel growths, often called strawberry spots 
• Lipomas: Soft growths made up of fat cells 
• Warts: Rough-surfaced growths caused by some types of human papilloma virus (HPV) 

Most of these tumors rarely, if ever, turn into cancers. There are many other kinds of benign skin tumors, but most are not very common.